Truth & Advocacy
Learn how to avoid—and combat—misinformation about the Ukraine crisis.

crowd of people in winter clothes outside on the street advocating for Ukraine

We leverage our team’s extensive in-country experience and our ongoing work on the ground to ensure that the truth about Russia’s war in Ukraine is always shared with global leaders, decision-makers, and the general public.

Russia’s Misinformation Campaign Against Ukraine

The Russian government has used systematic information manipulation and misinformation as an operational tool in its assault on Ukraine.

The spread of false and misleading information by the Russian government and its allies has prompted responses from the Ukrainian government, allied governments, and international organizations, providing valuable lessons on how to counteract and avoid sharing misinformation.

Social media has changed the way news spreads, and how the Ukraine war was chronicled, experienced, and understood. The internet is more accessible to everyone in the world.

Currently, 75% of Ukrainians have access to the internet, while 89% of the population is covered by at least 3G mobile technology. In stark contrast, during Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2014, only 4% of Ukrainian mobile subscribers had access to 3G networks or faster, and just 30% of the Syrian population was online during the war in Syria in 2015. These disparities underscore the significant impact that the widespread use of technology has had on the dissemination of information during modern warfare.

Today, the internet is more accessible to everyone in the world. Social media has changed the way news spreads, and how the Ukraine war is being chronicled, experienced, and understood.

The Russian government's use of misinformation has been highly effective within Russia itself, where censorship of war-related news and state control over most media have limited the dissemination of accurate information.

Despite the prevalence of misinformation, Russian media have faced limitations on their operations and have suffered reputational damage in many Western and developed countries. However, they have found more success spreading their propaganda in many developing nations, notably through the sympathetic coverage provided by Chinese state media. This coverage has included repeated instances of censorship of war news and dissemination of Russian fake news and misinformation.

How to Avoid Sharing Misinformation on the Ukraine War

Images, articles, and videos are spreading quickly on social media. Some information and content from the Ukraine war is created with the intention to manipulate or deceive, and sharing such posts without scrutiny can inadvertently contribute to the spread of war propaganda. To avoid this, here are the things to look out for:

a Caucasian women volunteer with a Ukraine flag speaking with a pedestrian at the entry of a buildinga Ukrainian flag glowing with the sun behind it against dark background

Check multiple sources

Use our checklist to avoid and combat misinformation surrounding the Ukraine crisis:

  • Don't rely on just one news source or social media account for your information.
  • Google the news, and compare the coverage of multiple sources that report on the situation.
  • Consult credible news sources (we recommend our go-to sites below); legitimate information on the Ukraine war is likely to have been reported by these outlets.
  • Search out fact-checkers. Fake news misinformation may have already been discredited by fact-checkers.

Trusted Sources for the Latest News on Ukraine

Visit our News & Features for all the updates from Ukraine Rises.

Avoid sensational headlines

Another facet of the misinformation spread is sensationalized headlines. To combat misinformation, we recommend:

  • Ignoring clickbait; clickbait headlines often exaggerate or misrepresent the facts to grab attention.
  • Be wary of headlines that seem too good to be true.
  • Likewise, avoid headlines that seem too bad—or overtly inflammatory—to be true.

Ask yourself who shared the news

Another facet of the misinformation spread is sensationalized headlines. To combat misinformation, we recommend:

  • Are they present on the ground in Ukraine?
  • Are they affiliated with a reputable news organization?
  • Have they demonstrated a track record of trustworthy reporting?

Even if the answer to these questions is “no,” their content may still be accurate, but we highly recommend double-checking for accuracy and objectivity.

Figuring out what’s real and true is challenging. News organizations have dedicated teams of experts and journalists fact-checking every detail to identify inaccuracies. It's unrealistic to expect the same level of exhaustive research from every person in the world. However, we all have a role to play in identifying common warning signs of misinformation. Together, we will stop the spread of misinformation.

a man and an old lady with a cane entering a train cart with high stepsa symphony performing outdoors, outside a grand building near sunset time

President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky:

“…our truth lies in the fact that this is our land, this is our country, our children, and we are going to defend [it all]… Glory to Ukraine!”

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a photo taken out of a passing car of a very destroyed blue car on the road with rubbles in the background6 fire fighters working together to hold and point a water hose outside in the rubblesa couple seen pushed up against a window with a lot of condensation People exiting with fire fighters out of a war destroyed building an emotional middle age man on his balcony of a very war destroyed apartment building

See Other Ways We’re Supporting Ukraine

Health & Safety

a women sitting at a dining table, with a blanket wrapped around her head, looking worried at a single candle
Russians have covered an estimated 40% of Ukraine’s land in unexploded mines — an area roughly equal in size to the entire United Kingdom.

Economic Resilience

an old man looking up to the sky with his arms out in front of a war destroyed building
1 in 3
More than 1 in 3 Ukrainians are unemployed as a result of Russia’s unprovoked war.
As of 25 November 2022, at least 13,075 Ukrainian children have been killed, injured, forcibly deported into Russian territory or have otherwise gone missing.
An exhausted kid sitting on a duffle back in a crowd beside another kid with food and lots of other baggage
Women & Children
Pro bono consulting and financial support for local enterpreneurs
a behind shot of troops, focused on a women's head with flowers in her hair wearing a backpack with a Ukrainian flag
Servicemembers & Veterans
Witness testimony documentation and advocacy
a blond women with a Ukrainian flag on her shoulders working on her laptop in a park
Entrepreneurs & Catalysts